Start a patient-specific medical journey with our EHR Software in a matter of minutes.

Start a patient-specific medical journey with our EHR Software in a matter of minutes.



Patient registration

Patient Registration creates a patient. Here, patients can be searched by Last Name, Account Number, SSN, Date of Birth, or Mailing Address. If the patient already exists in the system, all the details and information about him will be shown on the screen. The Visit History table contains all the visits for that patient where all historical data for the selected patient is displayed. The user can attach documents for the patient from the computer.

New Injury

New Injury

This module contains all the information about the specific injury. Here you can change information about new findings, patient’s room, visits, see graphic charts of the injury, measurements, information about allergies, injury logs etc.

New Injury
MD review

MD review

This modal will be accessible only by the doctors who have been granted the privilege by the system – the highest role of Providers. Providers can search visits by Status and Date, and in the Patient Status section, they can see all of the visits that are currently in the system.

MD review
Diagnosis Configuration

Diagnosis Configuration

The Diagnosis Configuration module is recommended to be filled out with as many fields as possible, so as to have more information about the diagnosis to be issued. It helps get the entire picture of the patient’s state.

Diagnosis Configuration

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